Executive Edge: Konrad Krauland
Textile manufacturer finds PowerPro fishing line is his biggest catch. By Bob Kretschman ColoradoBiz
Setting the right price for your product
New retailers will discover that there is no universally accepted "right price" for a specific product. Establishing a retail price requires striking a balance between a price that is too high to be competitive or affordable, and a price that is too low to be profitable. MSNBC/Entrepreneur.com
Failure to delegate can sink growth plans
One of the biggest obstacles many entrepreneurs face is their own unwillingness to delegate, says Romanus Wolter, the author of "Kick Start Your Success" and "Kick Start Your Dream Business." Wolter offers several tips on how to take advantage of other people's skills including trusting colleagues in areas where the entrepreneur is weaker, experiment by assigning tasks to others and building a team by sharing the vision for the company. Entrepreneur
A Practical Guide to Branding
Define your brand identity—your product's "personality"—before you spend a dime on advertising or marketing. BusinessWeek
Innovative shippers use strategies to weather downturn
Good shippers are responding to the tough economy and soaring gas prices by changing the way they go to market. The truly innovative firms are using a combination of strategies and partnerships to weather the storm. Logistics Management
Showing how social networks work for your business
There are simple ways to use social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and MySpace to your business's advantage. Using these networks by posting news and information, finding talent or even doing research on potential employees increases attention to your business and reaches new audiences. BusinessWeek/Today's Tip
Campus Life….
Client Company Lunch
Speaker: Steve Thompson - What to expect when you leave the Incubator: Construction Management and Site Development
Where & When: Tuesday, May 20 at noon in the training room
Food: Lee Mathis & Shelli Mayo – a special sneak-preview of his menu for the “Feast in the Fields” Event
Lunch Menu:
Spring Salad w/ a Balsamic Dressing
Bloody Mary Shrimp Empanadas with Peach Salsa
Curried Chicken w/ Peaches
Cheesecake Bytes
No TAB this month
Upcoming Workshops at the Incubator….
Taxes and the Small Business Owner
Simple answers to business tax issues. To start, Pamela J. Belcher CPA will discuss such topics as: keeping track of and paying all your business taxes, computing and filing payroll taxes, satisfying state and federal guidelines, depreciating items like a home office, or automobile, and working with independent contractors versus employees. In the afternoon, Colorado Department of Revenue representative Bruce Kolisek, as well as representatives from the Department of Labor Employment, will discuss state withholding taxes, sales tax issue and unemployment and use tax. Cost: $45.
When: Thursday, June 19 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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