Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Good Ol’ Boy Network: Fresh Views

Because I’m not a boy and don’t like to think of myself as ol’, I’m not one the most likely candidate to set forth the value of a network of old boys. However, I am here to say that the “good ol’ boy network” is alive and well in the Grand Valley (although it is not completely composed of old boys). In our community, it is all about who you know (male or female, young or old). From job interviews to finding the best caterer to expanding your customer base, it is all about connecting with the right people.

We hear complaints about this aspect of our community. It can be hard for newcomers to break into the network. Someone with a fresh face and a shiny new idea to sell may not get a welcome reception. When I moved here, I felt put off by how some people were known and recognized, while others were not. As a newbie, the line at Main Street Bagels in the morning drove me nuts. I would steam with frustration at the glacier-moving pace at which coffee was delivered because many customers were greeted personally and frequently by name. How’s your day going? How was Ryan’s baseball game? Have your grandchildren arrived? All these nice questions take time — time in which I was hoping to get coffee.

But over the years I’ve acclimated and embraced our networked nature. We are a community that likes to know the names of our neighbors, business associates, and customers. I get it now: Go to the drive-thru at Starbucks if you don’t want to be engaged. At Main Street Bagels, they know the names of all the regulars, and most people prefer it that way. Businesses in this Valley pride themselves on their customer service — they know their loyal customers’ names and have a personal connection with them. Many local businesses rely on their network connections for their success.

Let’s apply some analytics to this. A social network consists of individuals (or organizations) called "nodes," connected by specific types of interdependency, such as friendship, financial exchange, knowledge, prestige, etc. Social networks can be either egalitarian or aristocratic. In an egalitarian network, all the nodes have an equal level of connection. In an aristocratic network, some nodes are more connected than others and become hubs of connectivity. This hub structure tends to grow more exaggerated as new nodes join with existing hubs in order to get connected to as many other nodes as possible. This sounds like our “good ol’ boy network” to me.

This can be good. In the various centers of activity in our community, there are hub people who can get you connected quickly. No need to try to reach everyone: Just connect (in a genuine way) to the hub people in your area of interest, and — presto! — you’re plugged in.

So what should you do to get connected? Get out and get active. Most of the hub people in our community play a leadership role of some sort in their fields. How do you do this? Volunteer. Participate. Organize something. If you want to start a mountain biking business, work on building local trails. If you love music, volunteer at KAFM. If you run a machine shop, join the Mesa County Manufacturer’s Council. There are always ways to help, and in doing so you’ll meet the people you need to connect with. That’s where they are, too — out making a difference.


Ann said...

Great article, Chris. Undoubtedly the collaborative and connected character of our community is one of its strengths. History has shown this in many ways. Let it continue!

Yours, one of the good ol' young pups :)

Andrew BE said...

Well said, Chris. I think you hit on some key points of the commonly heard critical perspective of the business values which we witness in the Grand Valley. While it's understandably frustrating from the outside looking in, the result is a more engaging, less robotic culture which can be quite rewarding.

Jeff R. said...

Two years ago I had visited the Grand Valley in hopes of finding career opportunities leading to a permanent move from the Mid-West. Well I have moved, but in the opposite direction to South Carolina. More specifically, rural SC.

This is "good ol' boys" territory to be sure. And as you described, Chris, the same rules apply. Get in the network, or get nothing done.

I was blessed this passed Sunday to meet my next-door neighbor, a Yankee transplant who has been here three years now. I told him of my renovation needs and he responded with a list of names. All of them in the "network".

The one big difference is that this network knows little about Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. This network knows the handshake and the corner gas station. (I wish we had a Bagel shop here to network in, Chris!)

So, my task is to get out into the community and start networking. Otherwise, I will be a social outcast and nothing will get done in my small SC community.